Expert system

The main module of Orodael Turrim is an expert system. Your task is to create your own planning expert system that will plan defense against Rigor Mortis. All behavior of the expert system is extracted to the User module, so you don’t need to change anything in the program code.

Also, it is forbidden to change anything in other parts of the code. Tests of the Expert system will be executed with the original modules, only with you User module, so any other changes will be ignored.

Structure of the expert system is divided into 3 parts:

  • - part of the module for creating knowledge based on game state
  • - part of the module for inference mechanism
  • - part of the module for defining conclusions and actions of conclusions

You need to implement all three parts to achieve a working expert system. As an example, there is already implemented basic version of inference, but did not support all necessary function, so use that example only for inspiration.


When you are creating an expert system, there are few restrictions for implementation. If you violate these restrictions, your solution will not be accepted.

Knowledge base

The first part that you should implement is KnowledgeBase. In this part of the module you should get all the necessary information from proxy and transform that information to Facts. Those Facts you will use in the inference mechanism.


You must use the ExpertSystem.Structure.RuleBase.Fact class to represent facts, otherwise you can’t use some functions. Class Fact have 4 instance variables:


Represent the name of the fact. THe name should be always string. The same name is then used in rules file.


Instance variable eval_function is used for evaluation of rules conditions. We want to decide if the condition in the rule is satisfied or not. For basic use, when we assume that once a fact is in the base than is True, we do not need to change this variable. By default eval_function is True.

If we want to use operators (<, >, ==, …), we need to set value to the fact. Also, the value of the fact could depend on the given parameters. That is the reason, why eval_function is defined as function (Callable). Easies way to define eval_function is with lambda functions.

The first option is very simple. We define a function, that always returns a number. There are no additional parameters from the rules. This could be used for compare operators (<, >, ==, …).

archer_count = 5
Fact('archer_count', lambda : archer_count)

If you want to pass an argument from rules to the fact, you need to add arguments to the lambda function.

Fact('unit_count', lambda unit: get_num_unit(unit))

Also, you can call a function inside the lambda function. For example, if you want to have info about player money.

Fact('money', lambda : self.game_object_proxy.get_resources(self.player))

Using the lambda function is not that hard, so don’t worry about that.


The next instance variable is probability. With this parameter, you can store the probability of your fact. It using standard float numbers, so there is no magic.


The last instance variable is data. This variable is used for passing parameters from condition to conclusion. If you mark fact in your rule file with data handle mark (*) then you must specify data variable of that fact. TYpe of this variable is also callable (pointer to function). This function could return only a position or list of positions. It is forbidden to return any other value types. If you didn’t mark fact with handle mark, you don’t need to specify data variable. Example of usage:

def free_tile():
   return self.map_proxy.get_player_visible_tiles()[0]

Fact('free_tile', data=free_tile)

# rules
IF free_tile* THEN build_base free_tile;

Function defined by data variable will be evaluated when you call build_base from inference. So the result will be up to date with the game state.

Framework also tries to pass arguments to data function. Evaluation tries pass all arguments to data function and if there is conflict, the framework tries evaluate data function without parameters. So if your eval function needs parameters but your data function not, it is no problem. Here is an example of data function with parameters

def free_tile(terrain_type):
   tiles = self.map_proxy.get_player_visible_tiles()
     border_tiles = self.map_proxy.get_border_tiles()

     for position in tiles:
         terrain = self.map_proxy.get_terrain_type(position) == TerrainType.from_string(terrain_type)
         occupied = self.map_proxy.is_position_occupied(position)
         if terrain and not occupied and position not in border_tiles:
             return position
     return None

Fact('free_tile', data=free_tile)

# rules
IF free_tile* mountain THEN build_base free_tile;

For creating knowledge base you could use 3 types of proxy:

  • MapProxy - access information about map
  • GameObjectProxy - access information about game objects
  • GameUncertaintyProxy - access information about uncertainty spawns

You can read more about proxy methods at Proxy definition

A list of the facts that you generate in KnowledgeBase.create_knowledge_base will be passed to inference method. You need to return a list of facts from the method.


For creating facts use only proxy! Don’t try to get more information from the GameEngine itself!


In the inference part of the User module, you should define your inference method. You could use forward or backward inference. Whole inference implementation is up to you. You must implement inference in interfere method because this method will be executed each round in the game. Of course, you can implement other supported functions for better code structure, but the entry point must be the interfere method. Don’t change the signature of the interfere method, you will never call inference directly. interfere method provides parameters:

  • knowledge_base - list of facts from KnowledgeBase.create_knowledge_base
  • rules - list of rules from rules files in tree representation
  • action_base - special class used to call functions that you define in ActionBase

Knowledge base

Argument knowledge_base contains facts, that you prepare in the KnowledgeBase module. There is only one change, all data variables are wiped out. The passing of data variables are described below.

Rules structure

Framework will parse rules file for you. You will get rules as a list of the ExpertSystem.Structure.RuleBase.Rule instances. Each list item represents one rule. You can read about rule structure at Rules file.

Inference method

In the User module you can find an example of basic inference method. This is a very simple and useless implementation of inference. Use it only as an example. As a result of the inference, you should call some action from ActionBase.

Action base calls

In the inference method, you have a ActionBaseCaller instance, that represent your action base.

If you want to call your function from ActionBase, you need to use the method call from ActionBaseCaller. Method call get parameter of type Expression (conclusion Expression node). You must use Expression class from given rules, don’t try to create a new one. If you call method call, all parameters from Expression are passed to ActionBase method and also all parameters from facts are injected. So basically you don’t need to worry about nothing. Just be sure, that you have a method in action base with the correct signature.

ActionBaseCaller has also method has_method that check, if correspond method exist in ActionBase.


There are important things that need to be done. First, you need to mark your fact as a data holder with * in the rules file. Otherwise, the data variables will not be injected. Your ActionBase method must contain an argument with the same name as the fact name. There could be more than one data facts. You can combine this also with standard arguments, but data holder arguments must be after positional arguments. Last thing, don’t try to pass the data holder fact (parameter) manually. Everything is done by dependency injection.

Example of usage

target_position = OffsetPosition(0, 0)
facts.append(Fact('free_tile', data=lambda: target_position))

# rules
IF free_tile* THEN build_base 1 1 free_tile;

def build_base(self, position_x, position_y, free_tile):

def conclusion_evaluation(self, root_node: ExpressionNode):
    if self.action_base.has_method(root_node.value):

          pass # Add to facts

Complex example with proxy call

def visible_free_tile(self, terrain_type: str):
 """ Find random free tile with given terrain type """
 tiles = self.map_proxy.get_player_visible_tiles()
 border_tiles = self.map_proxy.get_border_tiles()

 for position in tiles:
     terrain = self.map_proxy.get_terrain_type(position) == TerrainType.from_string(terrain_type)
     occupied = self.map_proxy.is_position_occupied(position)
     if terrain and not occupied and position not in border_tiles:
         return position
 return None

facts.append(Fact('free_tile', data=visible_free_tile, eval_function=visible_free_tile))

# rules
IF free_tile* mountain THEN build_base awesome_text free_tile;

def build_base(self, log_text, free_tile):

def conclusion_evaluation(self, root_node: ExpressionNode):
    if self.action_base.has_method(root_node.value):

          pass # Add to facts

As you can see in the example, same function is used for data and eval_function. That because our visible_free_tiles function returns None, if there is no such position. Boolean value of None is False and boolean value of position is True. Of course, data function and eval_function could be different functions.

Action base

In the action base, you can specify your own conclusions with your own implementation. Just write new method to ActionBase. Your methods could have as many parameters as you want, but you need to provide values of the parameters in the inference. Your methods cannot start with underline, otherwise you cannot use them in inference. Also, if you are using data holder parameters, don’t forget about arguments with same name as fact with data.

ActionBase class provides access to GameControlProxy and instance of PlayerTag that represent your player (you need it because of identification).

Rules file

In the file rules you can specify all your rules. You must use defined language, you can read about it at Grammar. Those rules will be automatically parsed and transformed to tree representation. Each rule have own tree.

Each rule is represented with ExpertSystem.Structure.RuleBase.Rule class. This class have 3 properties

  • condition - tree representation of condition, root ExpressionNode
  • conclusion - tree representation of conclusion, root ExpressionNode
  • uncertainty - probability of whole rule

Each condition and conclusion tree is created with ExpressionNode classes for each node in the tree. ExpressionNode provides 6 properties:

  • left - instance of left child node if exists, None if node don’t have left child
  • right - instance of right child node if exists, None if node don’t have right child
  • operator - if node have left and right child, there is specified operator between them (LogicalOperator)
  • value - if node is leaf, there is specified expression ( Expression )
  • parent - instance of node parent, None if node is root
  • parentheses - True if current node is in parentheses in rule, False otherwise

Leafs are Expression classes. They represent one part of the rule. Expression class provides 5 properties:

  • name - name of the identifier (fact)
  • args - list of arguments provided to the fact
  • comparator - comparator between fact and value (Operator)
  • value - value on the right side of comparator
  • uncertainty - probability of this part of rule
  • data_holder_mark - True, if fact is marked as data holder

Example of the tree

IF player_have_base AND ( enemy_attack 2 2 > 5 OR enemy_attack 3 3 > 8 ) THEN spawn_archer 2 2 AND spawn_archer 3 3 WITH 0.25;

Custom filters

In the section Filters you can read about move and attack filter system. Now talk about how to create own custom filters. As a defender, you can use only attack filters, because your unit cannot move. But also some smart attack filters could be really handy in some cases.

If you want to define you own filter, you need to create new class that inherit from OrodaelTurrim.Structure.Filter.FilterPattern.AttackFilter. There are some restrictions for your filters:

  • Your filter class must be in file in User module
  • Your filter must inherit only OrodaelTurrim.Structure.Filter.FilterPattern.AttackFilter
  • Your filter must overload filter method with same parameters
  • filter method must return List of tiles and tiles must be subset of given tiles List
  • You can overload __init__ method but first two parameters must be same as in abstract class and you must call __init__ from inherited class
  • You can implement as many functions as you wont in filter class

If your class meets all requirements, you will see this filter in GUI and also you can instance your filter with FilterFactory (you can instance them directly but then you need to take care of initial parameters).

In the file you have example of custom filter.